Object IDs:

  • BeForever Julie doll | 2014 | American Girl, LLC., U.S. | Object ID: 1974JD04

  • Classic Ivy doll | 2007 | American Girl, LLC., U.S. | Object ID: 1974ID03

  • Classic Ivy’s Meet Accessories | 2007 | American Girl, LLC., U.S. | Object ID: 1974IA04

  • Classic Julie’s Floral Jumpsuit | 2009 | American Girl, LLC., U.S. | Object ID: 1974JC02

  • Classic Julie’s Fondue Set | 2009 | American Girl, LLC., U.S. | Object ID: 1974JA14

  • Classic Julie’s Table and Chairs | 2009 | American Girl, LLC., U.S. | Object ID: 1974JF06


Julie and the Eagles

When Julie and Ivy find an abandoned baby owl in Golden Gate Park, they realize he needs help—and fast. They bring it to a wildlife rescue center, where they watch him grow. While there, Julie meets two bald eagles, Shasta and Sierra. When she finds out that they will be kept in an enclosed facility for life unless money is raised to release them back into the wild, Julie knows she needs to help. 

As Earth Day approaches, Julie and her classmates work together to raise money and bring awareness for the bald eagles. Together, they are able to save money for a hack tower, a place where the eagles will have shelter and food until they get used to building and hunting. The best part: Julie gets to watch the bald eagles be released at the beach for her birthday with her friends and family!