Kirsten’s Potato Soup
We are so happy that you have joined us for our next program for our inaugural exhibit, American Girl: 35 Years of Strong Characters.
For today’s program, we will be making Potato Soup, a recipe inspired by American Girl character, Kirsten, whose story takes place in 1854.
Today’s craft can be found in Kirsten’s Cookbook: A Peek at Dining in the Past with Meals You Can Cook Today. The following directions make 12 servings. We hope you enjoy Kirsten’s Potato Soup.
3 slices of bacon
1 small onion
6 medium potatoes
1 teaspoon salt
Cold water
2 cups milk
2 tablespoons butter
1/8 teaspoon pepper
Paper towels
Cutting board
Vegetable peeler
Measuring cups and spoons
3 quart saucepan with lid
Potato masher
Wooden spoon
Put 2 layers of paper towels onto the counter next to the stove.
Separate the bacon strips and place them side by side in the skillet.
Turn on the heat to medium high. Have an adult help you cook the bacon slices until the edges start to curl.
Use the fork to turn each slice to the other side. Continue cooking, turning the slices frequently.
When the bacon is golden brown and crisp, lift it out of the skillet and put on the paper towels to cool.
Have an adult help you peel the onion and chop it into small pieces.
Have an adult help you peel the potatoes. Cut each potato into 4 pieces.
Put the potatoes, onion pieces and salt into the saucepan. Put in just enough cold water to cover them.
Turn the heat to medium high until the water begins to boil, or bubble quickly.
Turn down the heat. Cover the pan and let the onions and potatoes simmer, or bubble slowly, for about 20 minutes, or until the fork can pierce the potatoes easily.
Turn off the burner. Leave the cooking water in the pan. Use the potato masher to mash the potatoes and onions.
Turn the burner back on medium-high heat. Add the milk slowly while you stir.
When the soup begins to simmer, add the butter and pepper. Crumble the bacon into the soup.
Keep staring the soup while it simmers until it is smooth and hot.
Enjoy with your friends and family!
Did You Know: In many Swedish homes, potatoes were eaten at every meal. One book on potato cookery, published in Sweden in the 1840s, was called “The Potato Friend, an Indispensable Book for Rich and Poor, in Town as Well as in the Country.
Photo of Kirsten’s Potato Soup | 1994 | American Girl, LLC., U.S.