Happy Birthday, Addy! (Fourth Edition)

In Happy Birthday, Addy!, “It's springtime in Philadelphia, and Addy and her parents have moved from the garret into a boarding house. There Addy finds a wise and inspiring friend, M'dear. Like many people who grew up enslaved, Addy doesn't know when she was born. M'dear encourages Addy to claim a special day for her birthday, but no day seems just right. One day, M'dear falls ill. When Addy and Sarah take a streetcar to get medicine for her, they face prejudice—and danger. M'dear helps Addy overcome her anger and hurt and gives her a deeper understanding of freedom. When Addy finally claims a birthday—April 9th— she has grown in many ways. Her birthday is a special day indeed, and the whole city celebrates.” (Connie Porter, 1994)

Illustrator: Dahl Taylor


  • Happy Birthday, Addy!: A Springtime Story (Fourth Edition) | 2004 | American Girl, LLC., U.S. | Object ID: 1864AB22