Addy’s Surprise (Fourth Edition)

In Addy’s Surprise, “Addy knows that Christmas will be hard without Poppa, Sam, and Esther. When Addy spots a beautiful red scarf in a secondhand shop, she's determined to save her money and buy it for Momma to brighten her holiday. But when Addy sees the plight of newly freed slaves, she's torn. Can she help them and still save money for Momma's scarf? In the end, Addy's Christmas surprise for Momma is different from what she had planned. And a surprise awaiting Addy is better than she even dared to hope for.” (Connie Porter, 1993)

Illustrator: Dahl Taylor


  • Addy's Surprise: A Christmas Story (Third Edition) | 2000 | American Girl, LLC., U.S. | Object ID: 1864AB15